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House Concurrent Resolutions (2015)

  • House Concurrent Resolution No. 4
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature and Rejecting Certain Rules of the State Tax Commission Relating to Idaho Sales and Use Tax Administrative Rules.

  • House Concurrent Resolution No. 6
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature and Rejecting A Certain Rule Docket of the PERSI (Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho) Relating to PERSI Contribution Rules.

  • House Concurrent Resolution No. 10
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature and Rejecting A Certain Rule Docket of the Department of Water Resources Relating to Rules for Conjunctive Management of Surface and Ground Water Resources.

  • House Concurrent Resolution No. 11
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature and Rejecting A Certain Rule Docket of the Office of the Governor Relating to the Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

  • House Concurrent Resolution No. 13
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature and Rejecting a Certain Rule of the Idaho State Police Relating to Rules of the Idaho Peace Officer Standards and Training Council.

  • House Concurrent Resolution No. 21
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature and Rejecting a Certain Rule Docket of the State Board of and State Department of Education Relating to Rules Governing Thoroughness.

  • House Concurrent Resolution No. 22
    A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature and Rejecting a Certain Rule of the State Board of and State Department of Education Relating to Rules Governing Uniformity.


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